
Many groups and organisations have produced excellent material on social care.  The following lists refer to materials produced by other organisations that NaCSILS believes might be of use to campaigners.

Video Resources

Struggling with care services

Scrap Social care Charges – a tax on disability!

With thanks and acknowledgements to Inclusion London

Jo Walton, a full-time carer, on key issues for unpaid carers

Fighting the system

Audio Resources

It is easy to increase the level above which people would have to pay for social care, making it much cheaper for everyone. Dilnott was asked to design such a system over 10 years ago. It is due to come into force in 2025, but who knows if it actually will.

Personal Stories highlighting the importance of Change

Age UK interviews:  Facebook

Ealing Reclaim Social Care Action Group’s testimonies:  [email protected].

See Sandra Daniels, Bob Williams-Findlay, Lisa and Marielle  Video | Peoples Covid Inquiry

 Actions you can take:

 The state of social care now:

Social care in England is failing – we can change this: 

  • 26% fewer people are supported than in 2010, while demand soars
  • People face isolation, indignity, maltreatment, neglect, barriers to inclusion and barriers to independent living
  • Care is marketised and privatised. Many small providers have folded; care homes are increasingly managed by unstable corporates and hedge funds that often deliver poor care in large institutional settings while extracting massive offshore profits.
  • Disabled, elderly people and others who need care and support face high charges, leaving thousands in poverty
  • Care and support do not reflect users’ needs or wishes. The principle of independent living is particularly neglected.
  • Staff wages, training and conditions are at rock bottom – turnover exceeds 30%.
  • 8 million unpaid, overworked family carers, including children and elderly relatives, provide vital support

Click here to see:  Fixing Social Care | Library | The Centre for Welfare Reform

And click here for:  WBG response to Government Plans on Funding for Social Care – Womens Budget Group

Caring for Carers

Policy options for carers’ employment and finacial protections
Fabian Society

View the document here

John McDonnell leads a group for unpaid carers. This is their manifesto ask

Towards A Labour Carer’s Manifesto

View the document here


We have often been asked about funding our transformative plan. This is how. In fact, it looks as though it would save more than it costs. This is a draft document. We are gathering comments and would welcome yours. Message us from the website. Thank you!”

View the draft vision here

Unite the Union’s policy on social care

A Social care in crisis. Time to insource social care services

View the document here


A detailed argument for why private sector delivery of residential care in particular must stop. It provides terrible value for money

View the report here

Civil Society Shadow Report from DPAC to the United Nations:

A special inquiry by the United Nations Committee responsible for the Convention on the Rights of Disabled People published in November 2016 found the UK government was responsible for grave and systematic violations of disabled people’s rights. This year the UN Committee announced a follow up to that special inquiry to hear how far the government has put into place the recommendations they made in 2016. This extraordinary report for that UN Committee has been compiled by Disabled People Action Against Cuts.

View the report here

TUC Strategy for the Care Workforce

The TUC have identified the care sector as in need of radical change. Here is their plan for a new deal for the care workforce.

View the plan here

The Fabians recently developed a detailed plan for improving social care in the UK.

The Fabians recently developed a detailed plan for improving social care in the UK. You can find it here A National Care Service for all | Fabian Society. The aim is to influence Labour policy. Here is ESCAD’s response to that document:

View ESCAD’s reply here

The Fabians Report on the Future of Social Care.

Unison commissioned this report from the Fabians, hoping that it would have some traction with Labour. Labour are certainly interested but have made it clear that this is not Labour policy and any funding commitments have to be paid for.

View the report here


All CLPs, please debate this motion to send up to Conference this year.

Click here to view the motion

ADASS’s roadmap for transforming social services.

Directors of social services offer immediate and intermediate changes that could move the system towards a more democratic, community -oriented system with better support for paid and unpaid carers. They still see privatisation as the main way of procuring services. And they only nod to a free service.

Click here to view the document

Labour is asking for policy recommendations to go to the National Policy Forum before the end of March. Please use this for your CLP’s policy on social care.


Click here to see and download policy

End Social Care Disgrace’s contribution to the Labour Party’s policy debate 2023


Click here to see the article

The Archbishops’ Commission on Reimagining Care


Click here to see the article

A transformed social care is affordable if we de-privatise   19 January 2023


Click here to go to the article

End the cost of social care


Click here to go to the article

How to raise £260 billion through wealth tax


Click here to go to the article

How private equity undermines our social care system


Click here to view the article

NaCSILS Response to the Fabians

The Labour Party is proposing policy that is moving towards the NaCSILS approach. They have asked the Fabians to work on the details. This is our submission to the Fabians

Click here to view the document

NaCSILS Charter for Care and Support Workers


Click here to view the document

Taking Social care resources back into the public sector


Click here to view the article

Continuing Care under pressure – like everything else


Click here to see article

No full integration between health and social care


Click here to see article


Click here to see Richard Hatcher’s thoughts – Democracy in Social Care

Independant Living

Click on the following link to see Reclaiming our Future’s Alliance vision on the future of independent living for disabled people,

and download the Independent Living for the Future document by clicking the link below:

Political Party Commitments

A Vision of Social Care by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Adult Social Care

Click here to view the document 

Motion on social care passed at Green Party Conference 2021:

Click here to see the document

Indie SAGE ‘Building a consensus for health, care and support services fit for the pandemic era.’

Click below to see the briefing:

IPPR: social care free at the point of need

Please read for the discussion about funding care and support. NaCSILS does not support the implication at the end of this paper which suggests merger of social care into the NHS.

social-care-free-at-the-point-of-need-may-19.pdf (


It is clear from this analysis that the cap does not protect the more vulnerable. It will have a useful impact for the better off. Surprise! The IFS have offered a helpful, understandable analysis.

Does the cap fit? Analysing the government’s proposed amendment to the English social care charging system – Institute For Fiscal Studies – IFS