National Election Campaign

Get our Local Authority election postcard here:

Join End Social Care Disgrace’s Election campaign! Shout out for social care in the local and national elections!

Disabled and older residents face the collapse of already inadequate Social Care support as well as the rising cost of living.

This is not right, not safe, not fair !



Your vote can make a difference!

You can find your local candidate here: Who Can I Vote For?


The letter says that you will be more likely to vote for them if they support ESCaD’s seven demands calling for a National Care, Support and Independent Living Service which will be:


  • Publicly funded, free at the point of use
  • Publicly provided, not for profit
  • Nationally mandated but designed and delivered locally
  • Co-Produced with service users and democratically accountable
  • Underpinned by staff whose pay and conditions reflect true value and skills
  • Designed to meet needs of informal carers
  • Informed by a task force on independent living led by user controlled groups from diverse backgrounds


Labour social care policy is here Revealed: Full final policy platform set to shape next Labour manifesto – LabourList


Conservative plans for social care are here Our Manifesto


Lib Dem social care policy is here Liberal Democrats ( manifesto


Green social care policy is here Our manifesto


SNP social care policy is here


Northern Ireland social care policy is here Transforming your care | Department of Health (


Welsh social care policy is here




Here are some other campaign resources. Please use them freely:

  • Questions you can ask of your MPs in hustings
  • A summary of the ESCAD vision for transforming social care nationally.
  • A postcard that can be used by local campaigns. For postcards to be sent to you, please contact Gilda Peterson [email protected]
  • An ESCaD motion that you can use in your Trade Union or Labour party branch
  • A letter that you can send to your local MP
  • Please use the following social media handles: @EndSCDisgrace #shout4socialcare
  • Here are the websites of other organisations with whom we are working. You will find other useful resources there:

Scrap social care charging – Inclusion London

WinVisible – women with visible and invisible disabilities ( Home – DPAC

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