About Us
Through 2020/21 we brought together a wide range of groups and organisations committed to a radical transformation of Social Care based on seven core demands. Click here if you want to see the core demands
Our current Steering Group includes representatives from:
- Doctors in UNITE – doctorsinunite.com
- Greater Manchester Association of Trade Union Councils manchestertuc.uk
- Health Campaigns Together – healthcampaignstogether.com
- Keep Our NHS Public – keepournhspublic.com
- National Pensioners Convention – npcuk.org
- Reclaim Our Futures Alliance – rofa.org
- Socialist Health Association – sochealth.co.uk
- Women’s Budget Group – wbg.org.uk
- Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign Save Lewisham Hospital campaign – A community campaign to defend Lewisham Hospital and NHS services in Lewisham
Open working Groups
Much of the work of ESCaD is in open working groups meeting roughly monthly on Zoom. Currently these are:
- Politicians
- Trades Union
- Carers
To join one of the groups just email [email protected] . We will send you invitations to meetings, including a combined Steering Group/ Activist meeting. Everyone who expresses interest is a valued supporter.
ESCaD is organised entirely by unpaid activists. The only funding we have is from donations, affiliations and £ 2,000 from the Edge Fund to whom we are most grateful.
We are grateful for support and affiliations from local groups, including
- Stockport TUC
- Unite Luton Retired members Branch
- Unite Essex Community Branch
- Coventry &Warwickshire Unite in the Community
- Suffolk Unite Community
- North West Pensioners Association
- Yorks and Humber Regional TUC retired members
- Unite the Union Branch LE/RM002
- Wigan Unison Retired members
- North East Pensioners Association
- Wigan Trades council
- Blackpool, Fylde and Wylde Trades Council
- Bolton and District Pensioners Association
- Nottingham Keep Our NHS Public
- Leeds Keep Our NHS Public
- Abbey Branch labour party
- Lewisham Pensioners Forum